Life With Rose-BLOG

the Summer EDITION

Living a Serenity Prayer Lifestyle

Summer can be hectic. Summer is also hot and sometimes heat -fires us up in a good way or overheats our engines. For me it feels like the latter. I might be slightly alone in this but summer and I aren’t best friends. I don’t know if we ever were. I remember feeling the way I feel about this warmest season while on summer break as a grade schooler. All routine seems to go out the window and I thrive in routine. How about you? But when I start to feel dread not peace…. When I begin to feel chaos not serentiy….. I call to mind The Serenity Prayer. It reads:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

This prayer can be a powerful tool for anyone looking to live a more peaceful and balanced life. Here are some tips on how to apply the Serenity Prayer to your daily life:

1. Acceptance

The first part of the Serenity Prayer is about accepting the things we cannot change. This means acknowledging that there are some things in life that are beyond our control and that we need to learn to accept them. This can be difficult, especially if we are used to trying to control everything in our lives. However, accepting the things we cannot change can bring a sense of peace and serenity and that it what I yearn for. It is ok to take a day off to just play with your kiddos and have zero plans. Really, I promise! Summer schedules are different and do require us to pivot. Which brings us to part 2.

2. Courage

The second part of the Serenity Prayer is about having the courage to change the things we can. This means taking action to improve the things in our lives that are within our control. It can be scary to make changes, but having the courage to do so can lead to positive outcomes and growth. It might be wise to create a summer routine for yourself because lots of other things are out of your control-like kiddos at home or more social outings. This can mean less time for your personal needs. Exercise, prayer and reading time are important during all seasons. Be brave and make time for you, even if it feels like it may be a challenge.

3. Wisdom

The final part of the Serenity Prayer is about having the wisdom to know the difference between the things we can and cannot change. This means taking a step back and evaluating our situation before deciding whether or not to take action. It’s important to be honest with ourselves about what we can and cannot control, and to make decisions accordingly. This leads to living authentically. We are the authors of our story and we need wisdom to discern the direction of the story. There is no better time then now to hone those discernment skills.

Living a Serenity Prayer lifestyle means incorporating some of my favorite go-tos into our daily lives:

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It can help us become more accepting of the things we cannot change, and more aware of the things we can. Practicing mindfulness can help us develop the wisdom to know the difference. Go slow! Being present is a present (gift).

Let go of control

Trying to control everything in our lives can be exhausting and stressful. Learning to let go of control can bring a sense of peace and serenity. This doesn’t mean giving up on our goals and dreams, but rather when things are out of control choose to focus on what we can do to improve our situation in our own strength. Reality check! God’s power is so greater than mine. Why would we want to do things in our strength alone when HIS IS SUPERPOWERED?

Take action

When we have the courage to take action to improve our lives, we can experience growth and positive change. This can be as simple as setting small goals for ourselves or taking steps towards a larger goal. Clarity comes from movement in sometimes even subtle shifts.

Focus on gratitude

Gratitude can help us appreciate the things we have in our lives and find joy in the present moment. When we focus on what we have, rather than what we lack, we can experience a sense of serenity and contentment. It really is some of the best medicine on the market. There are anecdotal qualities God has placed with in gratitude.

Peace be with you in all seasons!!

LINK TO A SURRENDER & SERINITY PODCAST WITH ROSE VINCI & JAMIE NORTON: Making Peace & Beyond Podcast | The Illusion Of Control / The Freedom Of Surrender (

World Gratitude Day

This past Friday we were reminded to give thanks and appreciation for our blessings on World Gratitude Day.


Expressing gratitude is an amazing, fulfilling daily practice. A gratitude list, whether written or said silently in your mind, has the power to:

  • Calm anxiety

  • Change perspective/focus

  • Please God

  • Realign us

  • Allow Joy to enter

  • Allow Peace to enter

  • Allow us to lead with Love

  • Grow your senses of hope and trust


Now, it’s your turn to try it! What are you grateful for?                                                                                                     

Gratitude is the seed that, if planted, grows exponentially beyond belief. All because it demonstrates what we BELIEVE


I myself am grateful for you, this space, and this collective! Thank you for being such beautiful, caring and connected people after God’s own heart.


Always Remember September 11th

Where were you 20 Years ago? I was walking into a college class when I heard the news on September 11th. Chuck and I weren’t married yet; We had no children yet. I actually called Chuck from a pay phone on campus to make sure he was okay! 

My sister, Janet Hovanitz Stokes, was my roommate at the time. Moments later and in utter disbelief, Chuck, Janet and I gathered in front of the TV for what felt like days. Life slowed — maybe it even felt like time stood still. In honor of September 11th, today we will go slower, hug tighter, smile brighter and remember to love deeper. 


“For me and my family personally, September 11 was a reminder that life is fleeting, impermanent, and uncertain. Therefore, we must make use of every moment and nurture it with affection, tenderness, beauty, creativity, and laughter.”

Deepak Chopra

Let It Go! 

Happy Saturday, beautiful world. “Let it Go” is

an extremely significant idea for me. In the book The Rising Sisterhood, I speak on this specific topic, describing not only how I learned about it, but how this idea forever changed my thinking and my life. 



“What I pour from my cup can be likened to the light I shine into the world.” My train of thought for today started with the fullness of life — the BeautyFULL concept I discussed on Aug 26th. Definitely worth the reread. We can’t pour from an empty cup. Therefore, I need to ensure the cup I pour from is full of good things. I want to be full of beautiful things and sometimes in order to do that I need to work on eliminating some “not-so-beautiful” things from my life. This work is worth it. Start with eliminating things that harm your self-image:

  • Poor habits

  • Unhealthy relationships

  • Negative thinkings

Sounds like a ton of work, right? I used to think so. There was a point in my life when I could say the lights of my life were Bud Light and Marlboro Light! They didn’t positively serve me. I knew it. My body deserved better. I knew it. They actually dimmed my true inner light. I knew it. And yet, when I’d muscle my way through trying to eliminate them from my life, I would struggle. Yep, that’s right. Tough Rose would fall short!


Until one day at last, it wasn’t a struggle anymore. My mind, heart, body, soul and habits were transforming. I was becoming BeautyFULL because I was Surrendering. Yep, it was that simple!


It makes no sense in the human sense, I know. Surrender didn’t mean I stopped showing up to work on quitting bad habits or improving things, but it did mean that I was in a position where I knew my strength wasn’t enough. So, I gave these challenges in my life over to God. I Let it Go! And what happened was so Divine that it really makes no sense how I quit smoking, drinking, bad relationships, lost weight, grew spiritually and ALL with Ease…

And how so? Because I certainly didn’t do it alone. I had the supernatural strength of God himself in my plan and He did the heavy lifting. 

Of course, I had to have the want/desire to become BeautyFULL. I had to show up daily and, most importantly, I had to be willing to Surrender and ask for God’s help. It wasn’t instantaneous, but God transformed me. The credit is not mine. It is His!

My Life transformed. I could talk about this endlessly!! I can’t wait for you to see more on this when “The Rising Sisterhood” released in fall! I truly pour out the story of my soul. 

The following page in my Jesus Calling devotional isn't just dog-eared; it is literally folded in half — I reference it frequently. And as I prepared for this post, this is what I read as I laid my head down to sleep last night. 

Jesus Calling: September 2nd, by Sarah Young

“Living in dependence on me is a glorious adventure. Most people scurry around busily, trying to accomplish things through their own strength and ability. Some succeed ignore mostly; others fail miserably, but both groups miss what life is meant to be: living and working in collaboration with me.

When you depend on me continually, your whole perspective changes. You see miracles happening all around, while others see only natural occurrences and "coincidences." You begin each day with joyful expectation, watching to see what I will do. You accept weakness as a gift for me, knowing that My power plugs in most readily to consecrated weakness. You keep your plans tentative, knowing that my plans are far superior. You consciously live, move, and have your being in me, desiring that I live in you. I am you, and you in Me. This is the intimate adventure I offer you.”


With So Much Love and Gratitude,




“2” Many Things on My Mind 

Actually, I have 2 big ideas that I’ve been channeling simultaneously: Being Full or what I like to call BeautyFULL and Letting Go!

After channeling these for a while, it clicked as to why they are both coming through so strong — They are interconnected. I’m not sure how well I will articulate how they are connected in my brain analytically, so I’m going to pour it out from my mind, heart and soul to the best of my ability onto this page.


Over the next few days I will share what I’ve been receiving on both concepts. Today I’d like to define Being Full:

  • Living Full

  • Fullness of Life

  • Living a Full Life

The big question on this concept for me was — full of what? Because I can be full of lots of things: full of crap, full of anxiety, full of stress, full of toxicity, full of hurt .


But speaking into the fullness of life is certainly none of those. Fullness of life is BeautyFULL, or being full of beautiful things! This means being full of a zest for life, full of heart, full of energy, full of love, full of compassion….courage….JOY and PEACE!


One of our great purposes is to pour into this world, into our friends, neighbors and strangers. So, if we know, “You can’t pour from an empty cup,” then we know we need a full cup — a cup filled with beauty. 


And then I saw “LET IT GO,” so clearly applying to FULLNESS. What if my cup is full of all the wrong things? I might be able to pour something out, but poured out of that cup could potentially be the crap, anxiety, stress, toxicity, and hurt. Who wants to drink from that cup? It should certainly come with a warning: “Drinking from this cup may cause adverse side effects such as...” Well, you get the idea!


So letting go isn’t just about letting go of the things I can’t control but also letting go of the things that are no longer serving me. And I am the only one that has control over that.

Letting Go takes time and effort, courage and strength, and a ton of HOPE. 

Our light shines through the cup that we pour. 

The work is worth it because by emptying a cup full of crap, I can fill it with a cup that pours out beauty! And so the LET IT GO and BeautyFULL journey begins!




An oldie but a goodie! Keeping a full cup doesn’t just mean getting physically full, although sleep, good food, and movement are 1/3 of the equation: Never forget to make it your priority to refuel your MIND, BODY and SPIRIT!

We tend to gravitate toward at least one of these, but not all of them. But the goal is not to excel at each of these, but rather to ensure that none of these three entities are left neglected. 

This goal of perfecting this balancing act is one worth working toward for sure. Why? Because it is reciprocal! When we are full and pour out, a pouring in from others into us occurs. It is God’s perfect plan: “Give to receive.” In order to give something Beautiful away, you need to be BeautyFULL! Fill your cup(s)!



Even in Rest We Create

New, big things to come…….


As the dog-days-of-summer are upon us and back-to-school is nearing, I did something unprecedented: Instead of doing more, I rested. 

Spoiler alert: rest creates rest, all because:


  • We hear from God

  • God Leads

  • We are rejuvenated

  • We become inspired

  • It leaves time to create something new

And even in my recent days of rest, manifestation and creation lept abound. This can happen not just for me, but for you too! During my journey of rest, I: 


*Went-to bed early


*Wrote-a Blog for you (I’ll share all about it)

*Created- a Free Mini Masterclass for you

On SETTING BOUNDARIES (you’ll get access don’t worry) Kat Frey

*Made-a connection for an upcoming book signing Julie Moffitt

*Finished-My submission (and more edits) for the book “The Rising Sisterhood”

*Played-at Cedar Point

*Loved-on babies and a husband

*Had-coffee with friends


*Did-way less social media


So how does this work? How do I create while resting? It shifts from being done with my strength to being done in God’s strength. “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World” His power, results and production are supernatural; My power, results and production end at my natural ability. I chose the supernatural!


Very Vulnerable Week

This week I submitted the FINAL DRAFT of my to-be-PUBLISHED submission in a book called The Rising Sisterhood. For months, I’ve been working a ton on making this writing something I could be proud of. But more importantly something that can make an impact in this world!

The irony is that all of my written story seems to be on vulnerability (sneak peak), and that is the one quality I had to step out and into to tell my story for this book!


In honor of submitting my final draft, I’ve been talking all week on this topic of vulnerability in Claritas ~ The Collective. Feel free to come and check out the series. It is always open to anyone!


Vulnerability is uncomfortable, awkward, and counterintuitive. But it also is our biggest measure of courage. And it comes with results of epic proportions. It is always so worth it to step out into Faith!


I still need to be reminded of that often, and this writing experience has been an ultimate reminder. 

If you are struggling with letting go of control, surrendering and handling vulnerability, I see you. I was you!


I tell the story, to be published this Fall, to share how I ultimately learned about this deep spiritual and emotional practice of being vulnerable with GRACE… and was given a result that likely saved my heart and soul!! 

My heart and soul changed forever. Yours can too!

Thank you to everyone supporting and following this journey with me on my book. Stay tuned for more!

I am grateful and my heart is full of love




Work takes me on the road frequently but rarely overnight. 

The beauty of being away (whether travel for business or pleasure) is that it always brings the gift of perspective. Clarity always comes through a change in perspective. Sometimes the simplest change in position gives me clarity of epic measure!


This hotel-time gave me clarity on some writing I am working on, and the business conference I attended gave me clarity on a strategy I could use for work. During this time, I received confirmation as well — Confirmation on what is working in my life personally and professionally. I love CONFIRMATION moments.

One of my most favorite parts of travel is the PEOPLE. I love watching people in different venues or settings and witnessing how they operate (I’m definitely a people watcher). I love building relationships and interacting with people in different settings. Travel always brings even more clarity for how to meet and interact with people in that particular location. This is opening the next big manifestation to come through here in the Claritas Collective space. 

All of June is blessed with travel for me and my fam. The next set of travel is for pleasure, fun,  I am so open to summer adventures and for what clarity God has in store next. 

Anyone else a people watcher?



Settle In

Settling into embodying me! This is more about the being and the expansion than it is about the doing and the hard work. I know tenacity is involved, but I always try to see it and receive it before I step forward and DO it. Totally mind-blowing, counterintuitive thinking, right?

So much of the work is from the mind first (that I in my mind know that what I will receive is extraordinary!)

The battle is in the mind: Knowing that I am worthy; seeing the result before it happens, 

and more importantly believing it.

The Law of attraction!

Love myself where I am! Embody love, joy, peace! It all expands for Extraordinary:






And.......well everything 

This is Me in Receiving Feminine Archetype Modality!



Good Morning

I know that I’ve spoken before of Sarah Young and Jesus Calling being a devotional that carried me through some of my hardest days! 

I get exactly what I need exactly when I need it. 

These weeks of meeting writing deadlines, accompanied by the usual daily hustles, have been beautiful and yet, I still need to be reminded to rest and renew. 

Extraordinary living & transcendent perspective are living in a fourth dimension. This is the dimension where I access supernatural divine presence through being “present”. My spiritual well-being depends on it.


“Jesus Calling: May 24

Bring Me your mind for rest and renewal. Let Me infuse My Presence into your thoughts. As your mind stops racing, your body relaxes and you regain awareness of Me. This awareness is vital to your spiritual well-being; it is your lifeline, spiritually speaking.

There are actually more than four dimensions in this world where you live. In addition to the three dimensions of space and the one of time, there is the dimension of openness to My Presence. This dimension transcends the others, giving you glimpses of heaven while you still reside on earth. This was part of My original design for mankind. Adam and Eve used to walk with Me in the garden, before their expulsion from the Eden. I want you to walk with Me in the garden of your heart, where I have taken up permanent residence. 

Genesis 3:8

Psalm 89:15”





I talk about light a lot. Living in the Light! Brightness!


But my most brilliant light is you all and our community. I have been so inspired by clients and friends and their stories. They have motivated me and provided me with so much HOPE. Yes, you absolutely inspire me! Every time I hear a vulnerability story I am compelled to keep going. Aren’t you?


That is the way light works. If we tell our story, it illuminates a dark place for someone else. 

Be the LIGHT! Shine your LIGHT! Share your STORY!

It isn’t about “wow, look at me!” when we shine our light. Instead, it is a light of hope. That moment of thinking, as the viewer of the light, “Wow, if they could do that, maybe I can too!”

HOPE is the essence of being able to move forward and step into JOY. We need to know it is possible for us! The best way we get that reassurance is through other people telling their story and shining their very own light. 

I welcome the light. It is my beacon leading me with Hope to Joy! You never know what life you’ll change and who is watching. Thank you all for shining so bright!






When I heard God say I’d write a book 10 years ago, I took it to heart because God said it. 

I didn’t take myself too seriously though. What I mean is, I thought, “I am not a great writer; I don’t write, I talk.” In fact, I got an A on one English paper and I still have it — I saved it (no joke, this was from senior year English class)!

What I did believe is that I wouldn’t do it alone. And I’ve been learning I can do anything in Christ’s power, not mine. It would be through me, not of me. 

I have said in my head for a decade now, “God if it is a book, you’ll need to show me and put all the right stuff there in front of me!” And then more books and ideas came into my thoughts Ok....hands open-surrender-trust-crazy-good-hold on tight. 

And HE did what I asked in this season right NOW. The right people and timing and the moment has arrived. And the season of thoughts to paper begins…


Moral of the story: Follow your dreams and NEVER give up!

I hope this story gives you HOPE. You can do way more than you think if you believe!

Going from ordinary to extraordinary comes more from perspective and trust then from measurable output. 


author, coach, speaker

extraordinary living coach

grammatical errors included



Living In The Light

Glory & Brightness

My daughter’s name is Glory because of a dream my sister had about her while I was pregnant. In the dream, a bright light was shining on her while she grew in my belly. She was named for that light — It represented the Glory of God. 

[Glory (from the Latin gloria) God's presence as perceived by humans. Divine Glory or God’s Glory is God regarded as the most glorious being in existence, and it is considered that human beings are created in the Image of God and can share or participate in divine glory as image-bearers. Our purpose is to let this light shine bright for the world!]

CLARITY —The eye: is to see my self and soul clearly. 

LIGHT —The body: and my actions are to be a light for the world to see. 

“A light of hope for all to see, shining into the empty spaces of both life and time”






Having a great life isn’t just about me… A great life needs a component of serving others.  I love this thought! Compassion for both others and self is a value that is so important to me.

I love to focus on what we have in common, not what makes us different or separates us.

My loss might not be yours. My pain might not be yours. My story might not be anything like yours, but I believe we have a commonality. We all want to give and receive love and live a great life. Loving people where they are is so monumental! To me, compassion is light where there is darkness.



Courage is “moving forward when you feel afraid.” -Joyce Meyer

Fear isn’t going away, so I need to learn how to navigate through it — not avoid it.

I was taught to live in fear; I was conditioned to fear — fear of death, fear of loss, fear of weather and war. I had fear-monger elders. If the cat got out; he was going to get lost forever. If the weatherman said there was a tornado, we would be hit. I don’t know when I became aware of this, but sometime from living in NC and back to Ohio again, in midst of the spiritual journey and mindset-work on myself, I was ultimately being conditioned to face our daughter Glory’s diagnosis without fear. I am so thankful for that piece of work because it really did change how I showed up for her. “If you are afraid of something you need to run to it so that you don’t have to run from it for the rest of your life.” -Joyce Meyer Remember, courage really is the ultimate ticket to freedom!




If I can start seeing myself as extraordinary; I will create an extraordinary life. I believe in the law of attraction, so this statement would be something I could get behind, but not unless I can actually see myself. 


A modern-day definition of clarity is a quality of transparency, clearness, or purity. I am super simple, so clearness is the component that is most simple to me. Seeing myself clearly is my definition of clarity in the world of personal development. I need to get clear on who I am, and if I don’t, I have a Clarity problem. Who I am is my inner voice — those holy spirit whispers, my instincts. These are the things in which I find my purpose in life.


Clarity is what drives me into action. Because if I see my true self with clarity, I can move toward it. I had a spiritual Clarity moment. It was a huge perspective change on how I looked at myself... It is one of the most monumental moments in my life.

Picture being in the woods and experiencing the old saying, “I can’t see the forest through the trees.” Yet, if my vantage point changes and I see things anew looking from a higher point in the forest, I clearly see the path I am supposed to take for the next part of my journey. I simply hop down and jump on that path and voila, I am on the right path with forward motion — I just needed a clear view. The real challenge isn’t walking out my purpose, it is getting the clarity to see my purpose.

When I had a moment of clarity, it opened a whole new world of possibilities. This was the pivotal moment where I finally became unstuck and found my real purpose. Knowing my purpose has made life seem to flow with ease and joy. That is extraordinary living!

“Clear Thinking Requires Courage rather than Intelligence.” - Thomas Szasz



Emotional Integrity

Making Change in My Life


Emotional Integrity was heavily weighing on my heart over the weekend and into today. 

Integrity: Honesty and sound moral character

Emotional Integrity: honesty and sound moral character in regards to your own emotions. In other words, honesty to myself,

This is not the kind of integrity to myself when I “feel” like having a fourth scoop of chocolate peanut butter ice cream. That is what I like to call my monkey brain (the not very evolved brain). I’ve heard others call it their lower brain. 

The higher brain/self runs on deep integrity and knows true emotions. My true emotions are saying, “I want to be fit and well and live with ease....,” and the first 3 scoops of chocolate ice cream didn’t really support that. So emotional integrity would have been listening to my true gut (the instinctive gut not the gut that feels hunger).

The reality is emotional integrity, like anything else, is cultivated. It takes time to start becoming more emotionally intelligent, like knowing what my gut instincts, intuitions, my real deep emotions and passions are speaking to me. It takes practice to listen to my higher brain, my higher self and the Holy Spirit whispers. Oh, and then the follow-through — integrity! It takes time and practice to stand in emotional integrity and act on those true emotions and feelings. 

A Google search on emotional integrity says it is the courage to acknowledge one’s true feelings, wants and desires without judging oneself through society’s lens. For me, society’s lens translates into a lot of voices and chatter to shut off in that monkey brain in order to get to the real truth. Hence, time and practice needed. 

Why is emotional integrity so important to me? Cultivating my emotional intelligence and my true emotions is the conduit in which God communicates with me; It is through my instincts, intuitions, my emotions and passions. I learned how to decipher the real emotions from the monkey brain emotions. I learned how to separate society's voice from my own inner voice. And it is still a daily practice. 

I found emotional integrity work totally worth it ,and I didn’t do it alone. On the intellectual side, I gleaned tons from leaders, mentors, teachers, podcasts and books. I filled my head with the knowledge. But knowing isn’t enough… I fell short on the execution.

My monkey brain would get in the way and society chattering in my mind would happen. I would just slowly run out of power. Emotional integrity wasn’t a sprint either. This work was definitely a slow and steady race. 

Emotional Integrity needs one more ingredient other than just knowledge — It needs trust!

It needed trust!

That ingredient of trust (or faith) wasn’t trust or faith in me, or trust in my fickle mind. It was God’s trust and Faith. Yep, a blind faith in the things unseen. I had to believe I could do emotional integrity — that I could be Emotional Integrity. I had to believe that, even though I don’t see it now, I WILL!

And most importantly ,where I couldn’t do or be and when I was out of my own strength, God would carry me the rest of the way. After enough studying, reading, trusting and exhibiting emotional integrity, I started to live more and more authentically. This was, and still, takes time and practice. 

It is me and God.

It is knowledge and trust. 

It is time and practice.

It is patience and perseverance,

.....And some gumption to do what I said I would even when no one is watching. Now this doesn’t mean perfection; It just means “forward emotion,” meaning to grow more and more emotionally.

This way, discipline actually becomes secondary. This is the beauty of passion and authentic living: It manifests by way of being connected to ourselves and God. Simple truth. I am making the connection to make life changes day by day.

Deep Thoughts

You know, there was a time in my life when I didn’t fully believe in the power of my thoughts or the law of attraction. “Unseen thoughts produce visible consequences.” - Charles Stanley. I can now say that literally my whole life is based on thought-work and working on the mind first. It really is an inside job. It is in me first as a belief before it ever manifests on the outside. It is easy to believe when I see the results, but believing in things before they happen has produced extraordinary living. 

The greatest thing I ever did was trust God completely, just one time. It wasn’t a reading plan, a diet, or an exercise routine. It wasn’t something I could do outwardly. It was a pure inside job to trust. I trusted completely just one time and Peace and Joy poured in from that moment of trust. Now it seems like a replicable process.... When I trust, I receive great things! “Oftentimes, the more we Surrender to God, the greater our ability to see His hand in our life.” - Charles Stanley 

Here’s a secret: Surrendering isn’t giving up. It is trusting in that not-yet seen and that it will be more than you dreamed of. This is the inside job on my own thoughts.


Cadence and Pace

Do you know what pace works best for you? If you are an avid runner or walker, you likely do know!

What about the pace of life? Do you know what pace you like to move through life?

I didn’t know my pace but now I do and it is much slower than I thought it would be. Although, once I tapped into my cadence and paced myself, things would happen for me and with me! Essentially, I become aligned with my best self and how God intended for me to operate. And this is a beautiful flow! When I don’t slow my pace, I feel anxious and uncomfortable and emotional. 

I do have to ask people to slow down sometimes so I can tap into what they are doing and saying. I do have to slow myself down too — I have to slow the pace of a mama-crazy day! 

Tell me about your cadence and pace that allows you to feel aligned. How do you get yourself in the right tempo when life seems so fast?

Beth Korinek and Carla Bober, thank you ladies for making me look at patience and pace this week!


Duality Right?

Definition of duality: The quality or state of having two different or opposite parts or elements.

Dualism: Sophistication paired with authenticity, simplicity spiced with creativity, energy and distinctive character. - Thomas Matthews

I am not just one thing, I am the sum of many things 

And oftentimes conflicting things

I am the country girl and city girl

I receive and I lead

The business women and the soul-hearted women

The feminine and masculine energy

Married but still an individual 

I have wanderlust and love to be grounded

I am dynamic and so are you

Tell me about your duality!


The Woman Who Missed Her Wedding

No joke. I had a panic attack and thought I was dying. It was my first panic attack but not the last.  Anxiety is real even if I had ignored it for years -possibly decades.

I had no idea what was happening to me. I couldn’t pull it together and the resort had to move my wedding to the next day, thankfully they could!

I wasn’t panicking over getting married. I didn’t even know what panic was until that day. But I did push my body and mind too far that morning and in all the moments leading up to that day. My control-freakness manifested through my body — My body finally said enough- THIS IS ANXIETY!

Great timing right? Actually, yes. If it had been any other day, I probably wouldn’t have been so worried about what the heck just happened to me. But since it was my wedding day, I asked what the heck just happened to me? And so the journey looking within began that day. 

And thank God! Because if I kept running the way I was (controlled, planned, guarded, doer, fixer, people pleaser and maybe a mental health disaster), I or my marriage may have died before now. 

Thank God for moments that help us discover who we are and allow us to grow beyond the limited sight we may have once had. 

Thank you to all the teachers and trailblazers that went ahead of me to teach me how to be the transformed woman I am now.

I am still a work-in-progress and yet forever grateful for no more panic attacks (after years of work and counseling) and for a catalyst to grow and learn. My annual reminder — My wedding anniversary!

 God is Good!



Stillness, Surrender, Let it Go, Slow Down

These seem to be all the rage right now!!

Actually, what I mean is that they are a common thread that keep coming up in my inner circle. 

They are coming up for me too personally as I’ve been sharing how I’m in rejuvenation and reflection in this season. 

And then enters the great words from my favorite, Sarah Young. I read it last night and thought man, when God speaks, he speaks through the people around me, media and even the books I read. Sarah writes as if God is speaking these words to me directly. The message came through clear: These words are for me!

Jesus Calling: January 25

“Let My Love enfold you in the radiance of My Glory. Sit still in the Light of My Presence, and receive My Peace. These quiet moments with Me transcend time, accomplishing far more than you can imagine. Bring Me the sacrifice of your time, and watch to see how abundantly I bless you and your loved ones.

Through the intimacy of our relationship, you are being transformed from the inside out. As you keep your focus on Me, I form you into the one I desire you to be. Your part is to yield to My creative work in you, neither resisting it nor trying to speed it up. Enjoy the tempo of a God-breathed life by letting Me set the pace. Hold My hand in childlike trust, and the way before you will open up step by step.” - Sarah Young, Jesus Calling.


Step Out in Faith

I hope you know that I don’t post things because I think, “Oh man, someone needs some faith - I should post this!”

When I post, I’m sharing the season or moment I’m in. I share it in hopes that someone may learn from me in the moment. I, in fact, I am the woman who needs a dose of faith today!

Perhaps I can walk on the landmine before you and I make a safer and clearer path. 

I am the woman that can get caught up in wanting to have the whole plan, seeing the whole path, knowing the end result...

So, I post this today. This beautiful reminder from a beautiful man that trailblazed before me, because I need this reminder. 

I’d like to think I have a lot of Faith and yet I can spend so much time masterminding that first step. That isn’t faith. 

Today is a day I am required to take that first step. And I have another big first step tomorrow. Actually, this whole week is going to be a bunch of first steps. This is just the season I am in this week. 

It is a week of firsts. A design God had created for me to trust him! I already know where my faith and trust can get me —- to the extraordinary! And yet it still needs to be a daily reminder and practice. 

Today, I step out into Faith for me. I write it in hopes it blesses you too!



Launch Failure to Launch

And to think.... I was anxious about leaving home! Yes, me. When it is time to launch, step out, travel, leave home, I get a bit weird. 

The best way to describe it is, “The robot gets a glitch!”

I start by double checking my packing list, check the rooms of the house, check the locks, check the packing list, check the rooms, then the doors. Maybe I’ll throw in a cycle of checking the outlets to make sure that all things are unplugged. Repeat. 

It’s like I’m supposed to walk out the door to get on a plane, but the track I’m on speeds right by the front door. 

When I book a trip, I’m stoked. When I’m on a trip, I’m stoked. When I’m trying to get out the door I’m thinking, Why did I book this? Can I stay here? It seems scary and out of the ordinary. It’s so much work to let go. It feels so big.  I sometime feels that going from home to vacation is as hard as breaking through the stratosphere!! 

My failure to launch, or not. 

It’s God’s way of reminding me to trust. Take a leap of faith. 

So the robot (that is me sometimes) running on the track around my home and going about my routine needs to jump the tracks and leap out the front door. 

Fear happens in the little and big, and I’m so glad we can do it without fear.

The ultimate confidence builder —- Launch Rose, launch!

I can’t imagine it if I didn’t take the leap!



Think About Celebrating

No joke, I used to hide away on my birthday. It wasn’t because I was hiding from aging. 

In fact, I like to think I’m like a fine wine and get better with age.

I used to hide away because I didn’t want the attention or focus or fuss. 

Over the last few years, however, I have learned to celebrate and receive the day I was born and now, it is my anthem. I celebrate what I was born for — I was born for a purpose

Claritas Collective is what I now see I was born for. To share my story is a gift. To celebrate my purpose is incredible. 

So celebrate your birthdays! Celebrate the gift you are to the World! Celebrate purpose! Celebrate birth!

I am so grateful my perspective on my birthday has shifted. I have received, not just tangible gifts, but also tons of love and my heart is so full!



Life with Rose -Podcast Appearances